Message from the Principal
Thank you for taking a few moments to learn more about our school. I am often asked why we chose to open a school and why parents would choose us amongst a sea of so many options here in Central Florida.
Our mission is to build a diverse and inclusive community through innovative teaching methods that drive academic success and nurture social development, empowering every child to advance. Our curriculum is flexible and adaptive to allow students to learn where they are and then advance their learning.
Simply put…our goal is learning. Children should be given the opportunity to acquire knowledge a variety of ways… not just one. Learning is not one size-fits all and it may happen for a student through critical thinking, communication, collaboration or even creativity. Our school’s focus on active learning allows for more student engagement and improves motivation. We use a variety of learning and assessment tools to ensure success. We know that part of providing a 21st century education is not only having technology, but connecting students and learning in innovative ways.
Our expert faculty develop individualized goals for every student to help create a program that is tailored to their specific needs. We provide a variety of special activities – art, music, yoga, physical education, and gaming as well as an engaging After School program.
Programs like positive behavior supports help improve behavior, develop classroom families and a positive, healthy school climate. The social and emotional aspects of learning are important elements of our educational program. We want all of our students to feel safe, respected and loved.
We are a school that treats parents as partners in their child’s education. We want you to know that we are on your team and are committed to your child’s learning and growth. Learning must occur both at school and at home. Together as a team, we provide the very best education for our students.
I hope you will take the time to learn more about Advance Learning Academy through our website, but more importantly, I invite you to visit our school. Tour our facilities, speak with our amazing staff, see our school in action – and discover for yourself what makes Advance Learning Academy such a unique place.
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Stacy Taylor, BCBA-D
Advance Learning Academy